martes, 8 de febrero de 2011



Industrial Brick, is 100% compatible with every single arduino compatible board (Arduino, Seeedstudio, teensy, sanguino....). Here you can take a look to the features, schematic and pinout of the Industrial Brick Full Featured. In case you have another "submodel" please take just the info as needing.


- BUS CAN: MCP2515 + MCP2551
- RS232: MAX232
- RS485: MAX485
- RS232 to/from RS485 Converter allowed by hardware
- 2Mb Flash Memory: AT45DB161D => Link to the library and examples
- MicroSD Socket
- Size: 58x36 mm

Pin Out:

.Connecting to your board:

Arduino UNO, Diecimila, Duemilanove, Nano, FIO, Pro, Mini (uC ATMega168 o ATMega328) Boards:
+ CS => Arduino 10
=> Port B, pin 2 (you could choose a different one)
=> Arduino 11 => Port B, pin 3
=> Arduino 12 => Port B, pin 4
=> Arduino 13 =>
Port B, pin 5

Placas Arduino MEGA (uC ATMega1280 o ATMega2560):
+ CS
=> Arduino 53 => Port B, pin 0 (you could choose a different one)
+ MOSI => Arduino 51 => Port B, pin 2
=> Arduino 50 => Port B, pin 3
=> Arduino 52 => Port B, pin 1

As well you will need to wire th INT pin from your Industrial Brick to the Arduino compatible board. This way, the brick will show the board that a new message has been received.

Example UNO:
  • pin 1, Industrial Brick ====> pin 5v, Arduino
  • pin 2, Industrial Brick ====> pin 10, Arduino
  • pin 3, Industrial Brick ====> pin 13, Arduino
  • pin 4, Industrial Brick ====> pin 11, Arduino
  • pin 5, Industrial Brick ====> pin 12, Arduino
  • pin 6, Industrial Brick ====> pin GND, Arduino
  • pin 8, Industrial Brick ====> pin 2, Arduino
